Monday, August 31, 2009

Please Join Me in Helping Small Business With Scentsy Contribute 2009

Helping small businesses one at a time, one person at a time.  That's what Scentsy Contribute 2009 is all about. 

I recently finished working at the Western Idaho State Fair.  I had so many people come up to me to thank Scentsy for what they did for local small businesses in the community.  I was honored as an independent consultant to take the thank you's and compliments in behalf of Scentsy and plan to pass those on to the company.  Why would so many people come up to me in our booth at the fair who would normally pass us by?  In July 2009, Scentsy sent out an army of employees, suppliers, and their families to 40 local businesses- each person armed with $50 to spend at that business.  In all, $100,000 was pumped into the local economy in a single day.  Feel free to read the article in the Idaho Statesman about the event: Reaction from the community and the businesses involved was incredible.  I received personal stories from several people who's family member's or friend's business was touched by the event.  Read more about local reaction:   I've been giving a plug to Scentsy Contribute 2009 in my blog for a few weeks now, but after working the fair and hearing from real people, I felt I had to do more.  I needed to challenge every person that touches my blog to do more and to challenge their friends to do more.  Why?  Because this concept changes lives and brings more hope than the government can ever hope to infuse into our society.

Now I know there are those out there that might say the giving was all just a public relations stunt by Scentsy.  But, then those people just don't understand the company and the "Scentsy way" of doing things.  One of the philosophies of Scentsy's President, Orville Thompson, is to give more than you take.  It seems like a novel concept in these days of entitlement and expectations.  Let's face it- when a generation is labeled the "Me Generation" it doesn't really bode well for our society as a whole.  Those attitudes are inwardly focused.  Scentsy is outwardly focused.  Not only does Scentsy pride itself on providing a quality, authentic, and unique wickless candle product, but also takes pride in providing an amazing, family friendly business opportunity where consultants are connected with one another on true teams focused on helping each other achieve.  Scentsy has been awarded the Direct Sales Association's Rising Star Award as the top new direct sales company.  The DSA has specific guidelines and a code of ethics that must be followed to even be considered for membership in the association and to be named the top new direct sales company is a honor and a testiment to the path that Scentsy is on.  Let's face it- the Scentsy way is working.  Giving back (for the right reasons) and showing integrity in the dog eat dog world of business is a rare and priceless commodity.  What Scentsy did should be celebrated and replicated. 

Scentsy Contribute 2009 is a catalyst for supporting small businesses around the country.  It's simple- just go to and pledge to spend $50 at a local small business on or around October 12.  The goal is to get 100,000 people to take this pledge and follow through.  What Scentsy has done is created an amazing concept.  But I believe it can go further.  I believe the average person can help the economy just $50 at a time without any kind of stimulus package from the government.  Simply purchasing something already needed from a small business instead of a large chain is an easy task.  I believe we can get 1,000,000 people to pledge and it is my mission to help achieve this!  People helping people.  One life, one business, one day at a time.  Get involved and join me.  Read about it.  Get excited.  And do something to help our economy recover faster!  If we all just follow the Scentsy way and give more than we take, the world will truly be a better place and our children will learn the value of focusing outward.

Posted via web from Fragrant Inspirations

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